Multiple Shifts for Employees
Feature Update
Deadline Not Decided
Coming Soon
WORKSUITE - HR, CRM and Project Management • Attendance
Add ability to assign multiple shifts a day for an employee.
Reporting manager Feature
New Feature
Deadline Not Decided
Coming Soon
WORKSUITE - HR, CRM and Project Management • General
Making permission for the Reporting Manager Where Reporting manager can manage activity of their Team members.
Sandwich Leave Feature
New Feature
Deadline Not Decided
Coming Soon
WORKSUITE - HR, CRM and Project Management • Attendance
The "Sandwich Leave" feature is a policy often implemented by organizations to manage leave requests more effectively. It refers to a situation where an employee applies for leave on days that are separated by a weekend or a public holiday. In a sandwich leave policy, the weekend or public holiday is counted as part of the leave if it falls between two leave days.
For example, if an employee takes leave on Friday and Monday, the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) in between would also be counted as leave days, resulting in four days of leave instead of just two.
This policy encourages employees to manage their leave days more carefully and helps the organization maintain better operational efficiency.