Hosting Suggestions


Hostinger offers affordable and reliable web hosting services, including shared, VPS, and cloud hosting options. Ideal for small businesses and personal websites.


DigitalOcean is known for its powerful cloud computing services. It offers scalable virtual private servers (droplets) and is ideal for developers and tech-savvy users.

# Version Description Release Date
1 5.4.7
  • Invoice status issue: fixed
  • Task comment issue: fixed
  • Ticket employee panel issue: fixed
  • Now, we have flexible shifts for users
  • We have added a leave overutilization feature
  • Now, status change is added to project milestones
  • Enable cache issue: fixed
  • Project status issue: fixed
  • Color picker issue: fixed
  • Project template issue: fixed
  • Client sign-up issue: fixed
  • Now, we have a mandatory details field in deal notes
  • Project roles and permissions issue: fixed
  • Task labels added to project templates
  • Reordering added in the invoice list
  • Employee filter added in the project timelog
  • Now, deal category filter is available in the deal table and deal report
  • Increment and promotion features added in the employee tab
  • Company signature details added to contracts
  • Bank details added to invoices
  • Mobile numbers, designations, and departments added to employee export
  • Invoice product/services add button issue: fixed
  • Lead creation issue: fixed
  • Roles & Permissions issue (Project members for clients): fixed
  • Ticket agent issue: fixed
  • Task ID issue: fixed
  • Task comment issue in Firefox: fixed
  • Date not corresponding with time zone in task: fixed
  • Task approval issue: fixed
  • Project public task board and Gantt chart issue: fixed
  • Finance currency conversion issue: fixed
  • Deal follow-up issue: fixed
  • Expense value round-off issue: fixed
  • Lead creation mail issue: fixed

2 weeks 1 day ago

07 Oct, 2024
2 5.4.6
  • Clock in button issue
  • Deal filter issue
  • Project duplicate issue
  • Advance dashboard expense currency issue
  • Wasabi storage issue
  • Client order issue
  • Social language
  • Estimate issue
  • Offline payment issue in client panel
  • Y/m/d format issue in Shift roaster
  • Invoice notification issue
  • Estimate template edit issue
  • Bank account statement conversion issue
  • Social login issue
  • Bank account issue
  • Employee dashboard task design issue
  • Notice period and probation date issue
  • Project duplicate issue
  • Advance dashboard expense currency issue
  • Clock in button issue
  • Leave page issue
  • Leave type issue
  • Deal kanban board issue
  • Leave date issue
  • Ticket client issue
  • Gantt chart public link issue
  • Project discussion issue
  • Task files issue
  • Ticket file storage issue
  • Mark attendance date format issue
  • Exit date UX issue
  • Now we have run rotation button for shift rotation

1 month 2 weeks ago

03 Sep, 2024
3 5.4.5
  • We have added country code for Congo (Congo-Brazzaville) as +242 and for Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa) as +243.
  • Fixed Multiple leave notification issue
  • Fixed Project discussion issue
  • Fixed Public project Earning issue
  • Fixed Ticket form custom field issue
  • Fixed Ticket agent issue
  • Now we have estimate requests
  • Fixed Linked social login issue
  • Fixed Slack notification bug
  • Fixed Duplicate slack notification for task assign
  • Fixed Add visa issue
  • Fixed Finance report issue
  • Now we have prefixes for proposals
  • We have changed UI for deal table
  • Now we have task waiting for approval in project
  • Fixed Leave edit issue
  • Now we have auto clock out feature
  • Fixed The attachment function is not working on the notice board.
  • Fixed Authorised signatory design issue
  • Fixed Contract PDF signature time issue
  • Fixed Employee custom field issue
  • Now we have automated shift roster scheduling
  • Fixed MOBILE VIEW OF TASK COMMENT too narrow issue
  • Fixed Project private note issue
  • Fixed Ticket reply and note issue
  • Fixed Employee project issue
  • Fixed Project overview timelog issue
  • Now we have specific columns for actual working hours, logged hours and leaves in timelog report
  • Now we have estimated time for tasks
  • We have added a field to create deal in lead contact
  • Fixed Customer reported bugs
  • Fixed Ticket form language translation issue
  • Fixed Validation Translation issue
  • Fixed Deal agent and deal settings issue
  • Fixed Estimate duplicate error
  • Now we have a drop down to select milestone
  • Fixed TImesheet hours log issue
  • Fixed Leave type count issue
  • Fixed Estimate error
  • Now we have currency conversion for bank account transfer
  • We have added ticket visibility setting
  • Now we have archive leave functionality for leave types

2 months 2 weeks ago

06 Aug, 2024
4 5.4.4
  • Introduced the ability to select project members based on department.
  • Added half-day labels (first half and second half) in attendance records.
  • Introduced monthly and yearly leave types.
  • Added an RTL theme based on user profiles.
  • Fixed Pusher error.
  • Fixed Invoice search filter issue.
  • Fixed Ticket note dark mode issue.
  • Fixed Public page dark mode issue.
  • Fixed Leave report issue.
  • Fixed Timesheet employee timelog issue.
  • Fixed Employee public project issue.
  • Fixed Employee leave issue.
  • Added department and designation add option in employee tab.
  • Option to Enable/Disable public taskboard and public gantt chart on project.
  • Fixed Project time count issue.
  • Fixed Sub task create issue.
  • Added clear button to clear unassigned tasks.
  • Added currency code in deals export.
  • Fixed Project discussion issue.
  • Fixed Ticket note issue.
  • Fixed Deals custom field database issue.
  • Fixed Task board issue.
  • Fixed Task save issue.
  • Fixed Timesheet calendar time issue.
  • Added lead filter in deals tab.
  • Fixed Pending follow-up date issue.
  • Added pending confirmation to offline payments of clients in invoices.
  • Can create invoices with services.
  • Fixed Bank General statement issue.
  • Fixed Client panel order issue.
  • Added count for unassigned tasks in project task tab.
  • Can add purchase products in invoices according to their inventory.
  • Can edit unit price in orders.
  • Changed task update notification to task status update.
  • Added milestone name to task.
  • Added export in deal reports.
  • Fixed QR code attendance issue.
  • Fixed Recurring task issue.
  • Added sub tasks and their files to repeated tasks.
  • Added lead owner and permission for lead contact.
  • Added a pop-up feature when deal status changes from WIN to LOST.
  • Fixed Lead notifications issue.
  • Added estimate request option for clients.
  • Employees will get mail notifications in their default languages.

3 months 3 weeks ago

01 Jul, 2024
5 5.4.32
  • Fix: ticket assign issue

4 months 1 week ago

12 Jun, 2024
6 5.4.31
  • Language related minor bug fix

4 months 2 weeks ago

05 Jun, 2024
7 5.4.3
  • Added lead contact permission options: all and none.
  • Fixed data table custom field issue.
  • Fixed delete deal issue.
  • Fixed module disable issue.
  • Fixed lead form issue.
  • Fixed task drag and drop feature.
  • Fixed custom field issue.
  • Fixed task start date in red issue.
  • Fixed deal kanban board issue.
  • Fixed deal design issue.
  • Fixed project note issue.
  • Fixed lead to deal import issue.
  • Fixed task view error.
  • Fixed finished project issue.
  • Fixed subtask edit date issue.
  • Fixed attendance mark leave reject issue.
  • Fixed client edit error.
  • Fixed timelog report issue.
  • Fixed V3 secret issue.
  • Fixed attendance clear issue.
  • Fixed auto timer stop issue.
  • Fixed mark bulk attendance issue.
  • Fixed expense datatable issue.
  • Added labels for inactive employees.
  • Fixed offline payment method issue.
  • Added daily calendar update (daily focus list for employees).
  • Added expense import functionality.
  • Fixed lead/deal issue.
  • Added employee leave quota report containing total and remaining leaves.
  • Added leave quota report export.
  • Disabled clock-in button for employees without permission.
  • Fixed clock-in timezone issue.
  • Fixed attendance setting clock-in issue.
  • Fixed attendance time zone issue.
  • Fixed client edit issue.
  • Fixed default shift issue.
  • Fixed invoice edit file upload issue.
  • Fixed finance template PDF issue.
  • Fixed event client removal issue.
  • Fixed appreciation action issue.
  • Fixed proposal description issue.
  • Fixed project's task issue.
  • Fixed purchase module change issue.
  • Fixed leave applied issue.
  • Fixed attendance issue.
  • Fixed clock-in with location issue.
  • Fixed proposal PDF issue.
  • Fixed alignment issue.
  • Fixed timesheet issue.
  • Fixed attendance night shift issue.
  • Fixed holiday applicability issue.
  • Fixed clock-in issue.
  • Fixed holiday applicability.
  • Fixed SKU in product issue.
  • Fixed project filter issue.
  • Fixed finance report design issue.
  • Fixed deal agent issue.
  • Fixed invoice issue.
  • Added datatable for deal reports.
  • Made project short code a non-mandatory field.

4 months 2 weeks ago

04 Jun, 2024
8 5.4.23
  • Leave apply fix

5 months 22 hours ago

22 May, 2024
9 5.4.22
  • Email notification page not opening and saving Fixed

5 months 1 day ago

21 May, 2024
10 5.4.21
  • Smtp email issue fixed

5 months 2 weeks ago

06 May, 2024
11 5.4.2
  • Task Public link issue fixed
  • Permission issue fixed
  • We have deal watcher now
  • Timesheet Earning Issue fixed
  • Milestone issue fixed
  • Project archive issue fixed
  • Now we have added a feature for daily calendar update
  • Now all Employee activity can be seen in activity tab
  • Now some badges for employee can be visible on Data table page
  • Attendance and clock in clock out issue fixed
  • Now deal related information is on Slack also
  • Employee inactive issue fixed
  • Bulk shift and attendance issue fixed
  • Lead/proposal filter issue fixed
  • Attendance half day leave issue fixed
  • Expense report issue fixed
  • Currency converter issue in expense and finance fixed
  • Manual time log in project issue fixed
  • Payment notification issue fixed
  • Task completion issue fixed
  • Now we have made 2 permissions in lead contact (All and None)
  • Inactive client issue has been fixed
  • Leave quota report feature introduced
  • Invoice due payment issue fixed
  • Leave monthly limit issue fixed
  • Exit date-related issue fixed
  • Lead note issue fixed
  • Now inactive client has a red icon while creating project/invoice
  • Invoice-related issue fixed
  • Some translation issues fixed
  • Some UI/UX issues fixed
  • Secret password stored as encrypted 

5 months 2 weeks ago

06 May, 2024
12 5.4.1
  • Resolved the issue with employee activation/deactivation.
  • Fixed the problem with deal agent filtering.
  • Addressed the ticket view issue in the client panel.
  • Resolved the time sheet problem.
  • Fixed the late attendance marking.
  • Limited the widget for invoice prefix numbers to a range of 0 to 10.
  • Implemented the ability to view deal history.
  • Rectified various UI/UX issues.
  • Corrected several translation problems.
  • Optimized the code
  • Attended other minor bug fixes

6 months 2 weeks ago

04 Apr, 2024
13 5.4.03
  • Employee update set inactive employee fixed

7 months 1 day ago

21 Mar, 2024
14 5.4.02
  • Invoice create issue fixed when purchase module is enabled

7 months 3 days ago

19 Mar, 2024
15 5.4.01
  • Module install bug fix

7 months 3 days ago

19 Mar, 2024
16 5.4.0
  • Resolved issues with order-related problems.
  • Fixed issue with downloading proposals.
  • Addressed problem-creating proposals.
  • Enhanced export functionality by including deal value and pipeline information.
  • Fixed issue with employee leave management.
  • Corrected problem with downloading proposal templates.
  • Resolved visibility issues with projects and invoices on the dashboard.
  • Added search bar option for leads in proposals.
  • Added client filter to time log report.
  • Added Added by option in lead and deal sections.
  • Fixed error on the payment page.
  • Added host information in events.
  • Resolved issue with deleting payments.
  • Addressed issues with editing projects.
  • Fixed issues related to leads.
  • Fixed error with Slack notifications.
  • Changed deal profile name to Overview.
  • Restricted clients from viewing project profits.
  • Updated task display order to show in descending order.
  • Fixed permissions issue with milestones.
  • Removed history tab from public tasks.
  • Fixed expense-related issues with the bank module.
  • Corrected salutation error.
  • Fixed lead contact permission issue.
  • Resolved problem with project archiving.
  • Addressed various UI/UX issues.
  • Fixed translation issues.
  • Resolved employee headcount problem.
  • Taken care of another bug minor also

7 months 3 days ago

19 Mar, 2024
17 5.3.9

  • Resolved an issue with Custom Field Types.
  • Fixed recurring invoice problems.
  • Addressed a Slack notification issue.
  • Resolved expenses related issues.
  • Fixed Task ID problem.
  • Expanded marital status options.
  • Resolved multiple leave issues.
  • Added an order tab in the client module.
  • Fixed permission-related issues with the timer.
  • Added SKU field in Order and product.
  • Fixed currency issues in Project Expense.
  • Resolved Google Calendar problems.
  • Fixed Invoice payment issues.
  • Completed payments can no longer be edited.
  • Fixed completed project visibility in task issues.
  • Introduced a new feature in the Lead Module, now divided into Leads and Deals.
  • Resolved translation issues.
  • Resolved UI/UX design issues.

8 months 1 week ago

12 Feb, 2024
18 5.3.81
  • Half leave fix after update to 5.3.8

9 months 3 weeks ago

28 Dec, 2023
19 5.3.8
Note: Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.2 before upgrading (Ignore if you already have PHP 8.2)
  • Resolved export issue with custom fields
  • Fixed multiple leave-related issues
  • Addressed OneSignal error
  • Corrected task design issue on mobile view
  • Fixed task typing issue
  • Resolved bugs related to custom field types
  • Fixed attendance report issue
  • Implemented the Memo feature for starting timers
  • Resolved the issue of adding agents to ticket groups
  • Fixed project add permission
  • Addressed the issue of marking tasks as complete
  • Fixed issues related to the message module
  • Resolved various translation issues
  • Fixed issues related to half-day attendance
  • Improved some UI/UX elements
  • Added "Other Information" field in finance settings
  • Updated the import process to include the country column for clients
  • Implemented the feature to change column positions in tasks
  • Added a one-click module update feature

9 months 3 weeks ago

27 Dec, 2023
20 5.3.74
  • Must Update if you have 5.3.73 version
  • Fix: Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute given
  • Fix: Export leads issue
  • Fix: Leave report
  • Fix: AWS storage file upload
  • Fix: Datatable design
  • Fix: Clock in issue

11 months 22 hours ago

22 Nov, 2023
21 5.3.73

Crucial Notice: Relevant for users utilizing AWS S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, Wasabi, or Minio for file storage:

1. Enhances application speed significantly.

2. Reduces memory and CPU usage on the server during computations.

Please disregard this information if you are utilizing local storage for your files.

11 months 22 hours ago

22 Nov, 2023
22 5.3.72
  • Clock in bug fix

11 months 6 days ago

16 Nov, 2023
23 5.3.71
  • Compatibility for upcoming module E-invoice
  • Knowledge base download bug Fix
  • Custom Field Error Fix
  • Completed Project under task issue
  • Attendance Export timing issue
  • Xss issue
Added compatibility for released modules

1.   E-Invoice Module (Released on 14th Nov 2023)

11 months 1 week ago

14 Nov, 2023
24 5.3.7
  • Department Bulk delete bug fixed
  • The Timelog will Require approval Server issue fixed
  • Now Numbering will not show in estimated PDF
  • Attendance Export issue fixed
  • Sales Report permission bug fixed
  • The Timer Will not show when the module is off bug fixed
  • Now Repeat events created on a weekly bases for every month (e.g. monthly on first Monday)
  • The task Duplicate Code bug fixed
Added compatibility for upcoming  modules

1. E-Invoice Module

11 months 2 weeks ago

06 Nov, 2023
25 5.3.6

  • Fix: Module Activate issue
  • Other general Bug Fixes
Added compatibility for recently launched modules

 UniversalBundle Module: Pay once and get all old and future modules for free (Released on 26th Oct 2023)

 Purchase Module:  (Released on 26th Oct 2023)

11 months 3 weeks ago

25 Oct, 2023
26 5.3.5

  • Resolved issues with Department Bulk functionality.
  • Fixed location clock-in problems.
  • Addressed bugs related to Estimate Editing.
  • Made various general bug fixes.
  • Security Issue Fix: Client was able to change password of the admin from the profile setting

Compatibility Updates:

Ensured compatibility with the following upcoming modules:

1 year 6 days ago

16 Oct, 2023
27 5.3.4
  • File image Name URL Feature Improvement
  • Now translation will not remove after update
  • Ticket are now connected with projects
  • Package Currency drop down will show on pricing page
  • Now export permission option also there in app setting
  • Invoice Prefix Feature Improvement
  • Now ticket update activity will visible
  • Ticket filter Bug fixed
  • Lead note Bug fix
  • Time log report Bug fix
  • Estimate Template bug fix
  • Profile related Bug fix
  • Bulk shift Bug fix
  • S3 storage bug fix
  • Quill mention bug fix
  • Project Related discussion bug fix
  • Template bug fix
  • Whats app template Bug fixes
  • Product currency format Bug fixes
  • Attendance time Zone bug fixes
  • WASABI Storage Bug fixes
  • Translation Issue fixed
  • Some UI/UX bug fixed

1 year 1 week ago

09 Oct, 2023
28 5.3.31
  • Bug Fixes

1 year 2 months ago

16 Aug, 2023
29 5.3.3
  • Bug fixes

1 year 2 months ago

09 Aug, 2023
30 5.3.2
  • Now we support BMP file upload
  • More security for XSS attacks
  • Adjust leave automatically bug fix
  • Design issue fixes
  • Translation issue fixed
  • Accept terms & condition feature improvement
  • Bulk status change
  • Shift roaster email notification setting feature
  • The language translation permission issue fixed
  • The early clock in issue fixed
  • File upload feature improvement
  • Mollie's Payment gateway bug fixed
  • Some other important more bug fixed

1 year 2 months ago

01 Aug, 2023
31 5.3.11
  • Notification Save issue

1 year 4 months ago

17 Jun, 2023
32 5.3.1
  • Quill editor Mention in messages
  • Quill editor Auto detects link
  • Local File Upload to Cloud sync
  • Minio file storage added
  • Bug fixes

1 year 2 months ago

16 Aug, 2023
33 5.3.01

Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.1 before upgrading as the latest Laravel 10 support php version greater than 8.1

  • Employee early clock-in option added in employee shifts
  • Now users can mention eachother on tasks and projects
  • Bug fixes

1 year 5 months ago

09 May, 2023
34 5.3.0

Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.1 before upgrading as the latest Laravel 10 support php version greater than 8.1

  1. Upgraded to Laravel 10
  2. Added option to add bulk payments for invoices
  3. Advanced configurations added for Leave Types
  4. Added New Expense Report
  5. Added New Invoice Report
  6. Added Gender Filter in the employee list
  7. E-Sign can be added by the company and customer on contracts
  8. Added Date Completed Filter on Task List
  9. Added Start Date Filter on the Project list
  10. Added Date Range field for Shift Bulk Assignment
  11. Added Lead value column in Lead Table with Filter option
  12. Now custom fields can be shown on data tables
  13. In invoices, different units can be set for different invoice items
  14. Added calendar view for projects
  15. General Bug Fixes
  16. Release Notes

1 year 5 months ago

04 May, 2023
35 5.2.91
  1. The issue with creating a project has been fixed
  2. The lead follow-up data has been fixed.

1 year 6 months ago

04 Apr, 2023
36 5.2.9
  • Custom fields have been added to the lead form.
  • User creation restrictions have been added so that only administrators can create other users as administrators.
  • A new client column has been added to the payments table.
  • A date range option has been added to the mark attendance feature.
  • Each ticket agent can now be linked to multiple ticket groups.
  • Tickets will be automatically assigned to agents on a round-robin basis.
  • A new Lead report has been added.
  • A date range option has been added for multiple leaves.
  • An invoice mark as send option has been added, which will not send an email to the client.
  • The order number prefix settings have been added to the invoice settings for orders.
  • Release Notes

1 year 6 months ago

28 Mar, 2023
37 5.2.85
  • Fix: Client sign up

1 year 7 months ago

12 Mar, 2023
38 5.2.84
  • Fix: Datepicker Wrong Day

1 year 7 months ago

06 Mar, 2023
39 5.2.83
  • Fix: Date format issue

1 year 7 months ago

28 Feb, 2023
40 5.2.82
  • Bug Fix related to Estimates
  • Fix: hours logged in advance dashboard

1 year 7 months ago

27 Feb, 2023
41 5.2.81
  • Fix: Estimate Create

1 year 7 months ago

26 Feb, 2023
42 5.2.8
  • Quickbooks Integration: Added One-way Sync for invoices and payments. 
  • Set Day OFF in Shift Roster for employees
  • Now can select products in the lead form
  • Now can add follow-ups for converted leads also
  • Follow-up can be marked as complete
  • Added client filter in Timelog reports
  • Added designation filter in attendance
  • Added multiple slack notifications
  • Recurring Invoice and Recurring Expenses are now easier to create
  • Now can send daily timesheet reports on email
  • Added Immigration tab for employees to add passport and visa details
  • Bug Fixes
  • Release Notes

1 year 7 months ago

23 Feb, 2023
43 5.2.7
  • Added Bank Accounts Functionality which can be linked with invoices, payments and expenses.
  • Show lead value total on lead board
  • Duplicate Project Feature Added
  • Added Custom Fields for Contract Module
  • Added Estimate Templates
  • Added Company Logo for clients
  • Added Prefix like invoices for contracts
  • Added Reminder Option for Time Tracker in Timelog Settings
  • Bug Fixes

1 year 8 months ago

03 Feb, 2023
44 5.2.6
New features:
  1. Show the last view timestamp for invoices and estimates for clients
  2. Option to change the separator symbol for invoices, estimates, etc in Finance Settings
Bug Fixes:
General bug fixes to improve the overall performance of the application

1 year 9 months ago

09 Jan, 2023
45 5.2.5
  1. Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.0.2 before upgrading
  2. Do not upgrade if your current application version is less than 5.1.7
  3. Update payroll module (if you have) after updating the main application

  • Group multiple leaves
  • Attendance monthly email report
  • Set probation, notice period, and internships for employees
  • Currency format can be set for individual currencies
  • The active timer will be visible on all pages' top bar
  • New permission for project template to use the templates
  • Added Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down reactions for Task comments
  • Added Wasabi Storage option in storage settings
  • General bug fixes
  • Release Notes

1 year 9 months ago

28 Dec, 2022
46 5.2.4
  1. Webhook URL for Payment gateways has been changed

1 year 10 months ago

08 Dec, 2022
47 5.2.3
  1. Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.0.2 before upgrading
  2. Do not upgrade if your current application version is less than 5.1.7

  • Improved project filters
  • Set custom month for year start in leave settings
  • Assign lead agent in bulk
  • Added employee appreciation feature
  • Work anniversary widget on dashboard
  • Birthday notifications added
  • Added miro board integration for projects
  • Reporting manager can pre-approve the leave
  • UI/UX improvements
  • Bug Fixes

1 year 11 months ago

11 Nov, 2022
48 5.2.2
  • Set the language for employee/client
  • Create designation hierarchy
  • Create contract templates
  • Create proposal templates
  • Work from-home option while clock-in
  • Work from the home dashboard widget
  • On leave today dashboard widget
  • Add custom project status
  • Lead widget on the dashboard
  • Set which task data to show to clients in task settings
  • Add project shortcodes to identify project and related tasks
  • File upload in events
  • Link field in Events
  • General Bug fixes
  • Release Notes

2 years 1 month ago

06 Sep, 2022
49 5.2.1
  1. Do not upgrade if your current application version is less than 5.1.7

  • The application is upgraded to Laravel 9 which supports PHP 8 and higher
  • Set monthly leave limit for leave types
  • Choose first or second-half leave type
  • Employees can see default employee profiles of other employees
  • Week view for Shift Roster
  • Upload file in the Knowledge base
  • New Expense Report
  • Now export custom field also in excel
  • Setup Hierarchies in departments
  • Allow auto-clock-in with the first signin of the day
  • General Bug fixes
  • Release Notes

2 years 2 months ago

18 Aug, 2022
50 5.2.0
Note: Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.0.2

  • Attendance and Shift roster bug fixes
  • Leave bug fixes
  • Weekly timelog widget on employee dashboard
  • Remark field for shift
  • General Bug Fixes
  • Release Notes

2 years 2 months ago

28 Jul, 2022
51 5.1.9
  • Added milestone start and end date
  • Message settings changes for employee and client
  • Invoice reminder can be set before and after due date
  • Now task labels can be set on project basis also
  • Set application name in theme settings
  • Employee dashboard widgets can be managed by admin
  • Bug Fixes
  • Release Notes

2 years 3 months ago

12 Jul, 2022
52 5.1.8
  • Added Row Count dropdown for tables
  • Shift Management UX improvements
  • Project Admin permission improvements
  • Employee dashboard calendar data improvements
  • Google calendar enable/disable option for employee profile
  • Added ticket tabs on client and employee profile
  • Custom fields in lead and ticket forms
  • General Bug Fixes

2 years 3 months ago

28 Jun, 2022
53 5.1.7
  • Added import projects feature
  • Added duplicate task feature
  • Create multiple attendance shifts
  • Added separate permission to show earnings on timelogs
  • Added separate permission for unassigned tasks
  • General bug fixes

2 years 5 months ago

12 May, 2022
54 5.1.6
  • Added lead follow-up date filter
  • Added milestone filter on project task section
  • Added more fields in lead custom form
  • Client info to show on invoice/estimates can be controlled in finance settings
  • Unread messages count is now visible
  • Now reminders can be set for the lead follow-ups
  • Now tasks can be created without an assignee also
  • General Bug fixes

2 years 6 months ago

24 Mar, 2022
55 5.1.5
  • Add emergency contacts for employees
  • Admin/employee can also create order for clients
  • Now customer can upload signature also on estimates/contracts
  • Updated knowledge base UI
  • Bug fixes

2 years 7 months ago

03 Mar, 2022
56 5.1.4
  • Now Sub task can be assigned to task members
  • Added Employee Date of Birth field and created dashboard widget for it.
  • Now Task timelogs can be paused/resumed by assignee
  • Added option to download payment receipt
  • Now create custom fields for products also
  • General Bug fixes

2 years 8 months ago

17 Feb, 2022
57 5.1.3
  • Now add multiple product images
  • Added configurations for google translator in translations
  • Added Database backup settings
  • Added option to create downloadable products
  • Added filters in project Gantt chart
  • Added client document section
  • General bugs fixes

2 years 8 months ago

03 Feb, 2022
58 5.1.2
  • Knowledge base for employees and clients
  • Added Import option for Employees, Clients, Leads and Attendance
  • Google calendar integration
  • Attendance hours clocked view
  • Added Lead notes section
  • View attendance on Google map
  • Bug fixes

2 years 9 months ago

18 Jan, 2022
59 5.1.1
  • Added Attendance Export
  • Show timelogs for milestones
  • Added recurring expenses
  • Bug Fixes

2 years 9 months ago

26 Dec, 2021
60 5.1.0

2 years 10 months ago

16 Dec, 2021
61 5.0.9
  • Added support for Telegram Integration in SMS module
  • Added images option in invoices, estimates, proposals and products
  • Added option to reset permissions for default roles
  • Added option to copy permissions while creating a new role
  • General Bug Fixes

2 years 10 months ago

15 Dec, 2021
62 5.0.8
  • Added Square Payment Gateway
  • Fixed taskboard permissions
  • Added attachment fields for project discussions and messages
  • Added Payfast payment gateway
  • General Bug fixes

2 years 10 months ago

07 Dec, 2021
63 5.0.7
  • Added Mollie Payment Gateway
  • Added Paystack Payment Gateway
  • Fixed Onesignal notification issue
  • Fixed ticket reply issue
  • Fixed recurring invoice issue
  • Fixed product category issue
  • Added employee timelogs export
  • Create public projects (accessible to all members)
  • Ability to change allowed file types for upload in app settings
  • Other general bug fixes

2 years 10 months ago

23 Nov, 2021
64 5.0.6
  • Show leaves on Attendance summary
  • Added personal leaves page
  • Now repeated tasks are created automatically on the task start date
  • Fixed timelog permission issue
  • Fixed ticket permission issues
  • Fixed two factor URL
  • General bug fixes

2 years 11 months ago

02 Nov, 2021
65 5.0.5
  • Added Two-factor authentication in security settings
  • Added option to enable customer signup in the app settings
  • Now clients can be added without email and password also
  • Added ability to add descriptions and files for subtasks
  • General Bug fixes

3 years 2 days ago

20 Oct, 2021
66 5.0.4
  • Fixed ticket public form issue
  • Fixed public lead form issue
  • Fixed manual timelog datetime
  • Fixed auth page translations
  • UI Improvements
  • General bug fixes

3 years 2 weeks ago

07 Oct, 2021
67 5.0.3
  • General bug fixes

3 years 2 weeks ago

06 Oct, 2021
68 5.0.2
  • New User Interface
  • Laravel 8
  • Dark Mode
  • Improved User Experience
  • Employee Invites

3 years 2 weeks ago

04 Oct, 2021
69 5.0.1
  • UI/UX Improvements
  • General Bug fixes

3 years 3 weeks ago

29 Sep, 2021
70 5.0.0
  • First update

    3 years 1 month ago

    17 Sep, 2021