# Version Description Release Date
1 5.4.3
  • Introduced the ability to select project members based on department.
  • Added half-day labels (first half and second half) in attendance records.
  • Introduced monthly and yearly leave types.
  • Added an RTL theme based on user profiles.
  • Fixed Pusher error.
  • Fixed Invoice search filter issue.
  • Fixed Ticket note dark mode issue.
  • Fixed Public page dark mode issue.
  • Fixed Leave report issue.
  • Fixed Timesheet employee timelog issue.
  • Fixed Employee public project issue.
  • Fixed Employee leave issue.
  • Added department and designation add option in employee tab.
  • Option to Enable/Disable public taskboard and public gantt chart on project.
  • Fixed Project time count issue.
  • Fixed Sub task create issue.
  • Added clear button to clear unassigned tasks.
  • Added currency code in deals export.
  • Fixed Project discussion issue.
  • Fixed Ticket note issue.
  • Fixed Deals custom field database issue.
  • Fixed Task board issue.
  • Fixed Task save issue.
  • Fixed Timesheet calendar time issue.
  • Added lead filter in deals tab.
  • Fixed Pending follow-up date issue.
  • Added pending confirmation to offline payments of clients in invoices.
  • Can create invoices with services.
  • Fixed Bank General statement issue.
  • Fixed Client panel order issue.
  • Added count for unassigned tasks in project task tab.
  • Can add purchase products in invoices according to their inventory.
  • Can edit unit price in orders.
  • Changed task update notification to task status update.
  • Added milestone name to task.
  • Added export in deal reports.
  • Fixed QR code attendance issue.
  • Fixed Recurring task issue.
  • Added sub tasks and their files to repeated tasks.
  • Added lead owner and permission for lead contact.
  • Added a pop-up feature when deal status changes from WIN to LOST.
  • Fixed Lead notifications issue.
  • Added estimate request option for clients.
  • Employees will get mail notifications in their default languages.
  • Fixed Company delete issue
  • Fixed Billing PDF issue
  • Fixed Support ticket issue
  • Fixed Public page dark mode issue
  • Fixed Office start time issue in SAAS
  • Fixed Project view issue in SAAS
  • Fixed Contact page design issue
  • We have added company details export
  • Fixed Ticket note dark mode issue

3 weeks 4 days ago

02 Jul, 2024
2 5.4.25
  • Fix: ticket assign issue

1 month 2 weeks ago

12 Jun, 2024
3 5.4.24
  • Employee page not opening fixed
  • Add new button not working on update 5.4.23

1 month 3 weeks ago

06 Jun, 2024
4 5.4.23
  • Language related bug fix and company user related fix

1 month 3 weeks ago

05 Jun, 2024
5 5.4.22
  • Language related minor bug fix

1 month 3 weeks ago

05 Jun, 2024
6 5.4.21
  • Fixed: Task create

1 month 3 weeks ago

04 Jun, 2024
7 5.4.2
  • Added lead contact permission options: all and none.
  • Fixed data table custom field issue.
  • Fixed delete deal issue.
  • Fixed module disable issue.
  • Fixed lead form issue.
  • Fixed task drag and drop feature.
  • Fixed custom field issue.
  • Fixed task start date in red issue.
  • Fixed deal kanban board issue.
  • Fixed deal design issue.
  • Fixed project note issue.
  • Fixed lead to deal import issue.
  • Fixed task view error.
  • Fixed finished project issue.
  • Fixed subtask edit date issue.
  • Fixed attendance mark leave reject issue.
  • Fixed client edit error.
  • Fixed timelog report issue.
  • Fixed V3 secret issue.
  • Fixed attendance clear issue.
  • Fixed auto timer stop issue.
  • Fixed mark bulk attendance issue.
  • Fixed expense datatable issue.
  • Added labels for inactive employees.
  • Fixed offline payment method issue.
  • Added daily calendar update (daily focus list for employees).
  • Added expense import functionality.
  • Fixed lead/deal issue.
  • Added employee leave quota report containing total and remaining leaves.
  • Added leave quota report export.
  • Disabled clock-in button for employees without permission.
  • Fixed clock-in timezone issue.
  • Fixed attendance setting clock-in issue.
  • Fixed attendance time zone issue.
  • Fixed client edit issue.
  • Fixed default shift issue.
  • Fixed invoice edit file upload issue.
  • Fixed finance template PDF issue.
  • Fixed event client removal issue.
  • Fixed appreciation action issue.
  • Fixed proposal description issue.
  • Fixed project's task issue.
  • Fixed purchase module change issue.
  • Fixed leave applied issue.
  • Fixed attendance issue.
  • Fixed clock-in with location issue.
  • Fixed proposal PDF issue.
  • Fixed alignment issue.
  • Fixed timesheet issue.
  • Fixed attendance night shift issue.
  • Fixed holiday applicability issue.
  • Fixed clock-in issue.
  • Fixed holiday applicability.
  • Fixed SKU in product issue.
  • Fixed project filter issue.
  • Fixed finance report design issue.
  • Fixed deal agent issue.
  • Fixed invoice issue.
  • Added datatable for deal reports.
  • Made project short code a non-mandatory field.
  • Fixed superadmin status issue.
  • Fixed module shows in pricing table issue.
  • Fixed invoice issue.
  • Fixed package module issue.
  • Fixed change email ID issue.
  • Fixed dark mode/light mode theme issue.
  • Fixed client sign-up issue.
  • Fixed recurring tasks not working in SAAS issue.
  • Fixed sign-up issue in SAAS.
  • Fixed mobile design issue.

1 month 3 weeks ago

04 Jun, 2024
8 5.4.11
  • Leave apply fix

2 months 5 days ago

22 May, 2024
9 5.4.1
  • Email notification page not opening and saving Fixed and payment gateway page not opening

2 months 6 days ago

21 May, 2024
10 5.4.0
  • Task Public link issue fixed
  • Permission issue fixed
  • We have deal watcher now
  • Timesheet Earning Issue fixed
  • Milestone issue fixed
  • Project archive issue fixed
  • Now we have added a feature for daily calendar update
  • Now all Employee activity can be seen in activity tab
  • Now some badges for employee can be visible on Data table page
  • Attendance and clock in clock out issue fixed
  • Now deal related information is on Slack also
  • Employee inactive issue fixed
  • Bulk shift and attendance issue fixed
  • Lead/proposal filter issue fixed
  • Attendance half day leave issue fixed
  • Expense report issue fixed
  • Currency converter issue in expense and finance fixed
  • Manual time log in project issue fixed
  • Payment notification issue fixed
  • Task completion issue fixed
  • Now we have made 2 permissions in lead contact (All and None)
  • Inactive client issue has been fixed
  • Leave quota report feature introduced
  • Invoice due payment issue fixed
  • Leave monthly limit issue fixed
  • Exit date related issue fixed
  • Lead note issue fixed
  • Now inactive client has a red icon while creating project/invoice
  • Invoice-related issue fixed
  • Some translation issues fixed
  • Some UI/UX issues fixed
  • Permission issue fixed
  • Front setting issue fixed
  • Front setting issue fixed
  • Some UI/UX issue fixed
  • Secret password stored as encrypted 

2 months 2 weeks ago

07 May, 2024
11 5.3.9
  • Resolved the issue with employee activation/deactivation.
  • Fixed the problem with deal agent filtering.
  • Addressed the ticket view issue in the client panel.
  • Resolved the timesheet problem.
  • Fixed the late attendance marking.
  • Limited the widget for invoice prefix numbers to a range of 0 to 10.
  • Implemented the ability to view deal history.
  • Rectified various UI/UX issues.
  • Corrected several translation problems.
  • Optimized the code
  • Attended other minor bug fixes
  • The public page theme issue fixed
  • The client sign up issue fixed
  • Superadmin Billing related to name and address issues fixed
  • Some UI/UX issues fixed
  • Some translation issues fixed

3 months 3 weeks ago

04 Apr, 2024
12 5.3.84
  • Employee update set inactive employee fixed

4 months 6 days ago

21 Mar, 2024
13 5.3.83
  • Invoice create issue fixed when purchase module is enabled

4 months 1 week ago

20 Mar, 2024
14 5.3.82
  • Module install bug fix

4 months 1 week ago

19 Mar, 2024
15 5.3.81
  • Company Create issue fixed due to recruit module

4 months 1 week ago

19 Mar, 2024
16 5.3.8
  • Resolved issues with order-related problems.
  • Fixed issue with downloading proposals.
  • Addressed problem-creating proposals.
  • Enhanced export functionality by including deal value and pipeline information.
  • Fixed issue with employee leave management.
  • Corrected problem with downloading proposal templates.
  • Resolved visibility issues with projects and invoices on the dashboard.
  • Added search bar option for leads in proposals.
  • Added client filter to time log report.
  • Added Added by option in lead and deal sections.
  • Fixed error on the payment page.
  • Added host information in events.
  • Resolved issue with deleting payments.
  • Addressed issues with editing projects.
  • Fixed issues related to leads.
  • Fixed error with Slack notifications.
  • Changed deal profile name to Overview.
  • Restricted clients from viewing project profits.
  • Updated task display order to show in descending order.
  • Fixed permissions issue with milestones.
  • Removed history tab from public tasks.
  • Fixed expense-related issues with the bank module.
  • Corrected salutation error.
  • Fixed lead contact permission issue.
  • Resolved problem with project archiving.
  • Addressed various UI/UX issues.
  • Fixed translation issues.
  • Resolved employee headcount problem.
  • Taken care of another bugs minor also
  • Licence expire count issue on dashboard fixed
  • Contact support issue fixed
  • Admin FAQ issue fixed
  • Language issue on login page fixed
  • Billing ID issue fixed
  • create order it create multiple item in invoice issue fixed
  • Some issue related in front menu fixed
  • Some UI/UX issue fixed
  • Some translation issue fixed

4 months 1 week ago

19 Mar, 2024
17 5.3.7

  • Added Security on client sign-up
  • Resolved an issue with Custom Field Types.
  • Fixed recurring invoice problems.
  • Addressed a Slack notification issue.
  • Resolved expenses related issues.
  • Fixed Task ID problem.
  • Expanded marital status options.
  • Resolved multiple leave issues.
  • Added an order tab in the client module.
  • Fixed permission-related issues with the timer.
  • Added SKU field in Order and Product.
  • Fixed currency issues in Project Expense.
  • Resolved Google Calendar problems.
  • Fixed Invoice payment issues.
  • Completed payments can no longer be edited.
  • Fixed completed project visibility in task issues.
  • Introduced a new feature in the Lead Module, now divided into Leads and Deals.
  • Resolved translation issues.
  • Fixed issues when a trial package is assigned to a company.
  • Superadmins can now add plans with the same name if the currency is different.
  • Fixed download bill problems.
  • Resolved front widget script issues.
  • Addressed feature issues.
  • Fixed issues with Trial expiration.
  • Fixed milestone visibility issues with the client panel.
  • Addressed translation issues.
  • Resolved UI/UX design issues.

5 months 1 week ago

15 Feb, 2024
18 5.3.61
  • Half-day leave fix after update to 5.3.6


 Cyber Security Module Launched

6 months 4 weeks ago

28 Dec, 2023
19 5.3.6
Note: Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.2 before upgrading (Ignore if you already have PHP 8.2)
  • Resolved export issue with custom fields
  • Fixed multiple leave-related issues
  • Addressed OneSignal error
  • Corrected task design issue on mobile view
  • Fixed task typing issue
  • Resolved bugs related to custom field types
  • Fixed attendance report issue
  • Implemented the Memo feature for starting timers
  • Resolved the issue of adding agents to ticket groups
  • Fixed project add permission
  • Addressed the issue of marking tasks as complete
  • Fixed issues related to the message module
  • Resolved various translation issues
  • Fixed issues related to half-day attendance
  • Improved some UI/UX elements
  • Added "Other Information" field in finance settings
  • Updated the import process to include the country column for clients
  • Implemented the feature to change column positions in tasks
  • Added a one-click module update feature
  • Fixed the currency converter key issue, now visible only to superadmins
  • Implemented features related to trial packages

7 months 8 hours ago

27 Dec, 2023
20 5.3.54
  • Must Update if you have 5.3.53 version
  • Fix: Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute given
  • Fix: Export leads issue
  • Fix: Leave report
  • Fix: AWS storage file upload
  • Fix: Datatable design
  • Fix: Clock in issue

8 months 5 days ago

22 Nov, 2023
21 5.3.53

Crucial Notice: 
Relevant for users utilizing AWS S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, Wasabi, or Minio for file storage:

1. Enhances application speed significantly.

2. Reduces memory and CPU usage on the server during computations.

Please disregard this information if you are utilizing local storage for your files.

8 months 5 days ago

22 Nov, 2023
22 5.3.52
  • Clock in Bug Fix

8 months 1 week ago

16 Nov, 2023
23 5.3.51
  • Compatibility for upcoming module E-invoice
  • Knowledge base download bug Fix
  • Custom Field Error Fix
  • Completed Project under task issue
  • Attendance Export timing issue
  • Xss issue
Added compatibility for released modules

1.   E-Invoice Module (Released on 14th Nov 2023)

8 months 1 week ago

14 Nov, 2023
24 5.3.5
  • Department Bulk delete bug fixed
  • The Timelog will Require approval Server issue fixed
  • Now Numbering will not show in estimated PDF
  • Attendance Export issue fixed
  • Sales Report permission bug fixed
  • The Timer Will not show when the module is off bug fixed
  • Now Repeat events created on a weekly bases for every month (e.g. monthly on first Monday)
  • The task Duplicate Code bug fixed
  • Theme colour option is not showing now when it has been disabled by the superadmin
  • Email id update bug fix
Added compatibility for upcoming  modules

1. E-Invoice Module

8 months 3 weeks ago

06 Nov, 2023
25 5.3.4

  • Fix: Module Activate issue
  • Other general Bug Fixes
Added compatibility for recently launched modules

 UniversalBundle Module: Pay once and get all old and future modules for free (Released on 26th Oct 2023)

 Purchase Module:  (Released on 26th Oct 2023)

9 months 2 days ago

25 Oct, 2023
26 5.3.3


  • Resolved issues with Department Bulk functionality.
  • Fixed location clock-in problems.
  • Addressed bugs related to Estimate Editing.
  • Made various general bug fixes.

Compatibility Updates:

Ensured compatibility with the following upcoming modules:

9 months 1 week ago

16 Oct, 2023
27 5.3.2
  • File image Name URL Feature Improvement
  • Now translation will not remove after update
  • Ticket are now connected with projects
  • Package Currency drop down will show on pricing page
  • Now export permission option also there in app setting
  • Invoice Prefix Feature Improvement
  • Now ticket update activity will visible
  • Ticket filter Bug fixed
  • Lead note Bug fix
  • Time log report Bug fix
  • Estimate Template bug fix
  • Profile related Bug fix
  • Bulk shift Bug fix
  • S3 storage bug fix
  • Quill mention bug fix
  • Project Related discussion bug fix
  • Template bug fix
  • Whats app template Bug fixes
  • Product currency format Bug fixes
  • Attendance time Zone bug fixes
  • WASABI Storage Bug fixes
  • Translation Issue fixed
  • Some UI/UX bug fixed
  • Package amount bug fix
  • FAQ issue
  • Front Setting bug fix
  • Pricing related bug fixes
  • Translation Issue fixed
  • Some UI/UX bug fixed

9 months 2 weeks ago

09 Oct, 2023
28 5.3.1
  • Bug Fixes

11 months 3 days ago

24 Aug, 2023
29 5.3.0
  • Now we support BMP file upload
  • More security for XSS attack
  • Adjust leave automatically bug fix
  • Design issue fixes
  • Translation issue fixed
  • Accept terms & condition feature improvement
  • Bulk status change
  • Shift roaster email notification setting feature
  • The language translation permission issue fixed
  • Early clock-in issue fixed
  • File upload feature improvement
  • Mollie's Payment gateway bug fixed
  • Some other important more bug fixed
  • Now the ticket id is showing in SAAS
  • Package employee limit bug fix
  • Super admin Telegram Notification
  • Pre expire package notification bug fixed

11 months 3 weeks ago

01 Aug, 2023
30 5.2.92
  • Fix: Company Role Permission
  • Fix: PDF Issue
  • Fix: Leave apply issue
  • Fix: Design issues
  • Fix: Quill Image Issue
  • Fix: Support ticket
  • Fix: Time log
  • Fix: Project View
  • Fix: Currency name unique validation
  • Fix: Roles translation
  • Fix: Notification issue
  • Other general Bug Fixes

1 year 2 weeks ago

07 Jul, 2023
31 5.2.91
  • Payment gateway bug fix
  • Some words not getting translated fixed
  • Other bug fixes

1 year 1 month ago

17 Jun, 2023
32 5.2.9
  • Roles & permission for superadmin users added
  • Quill Mention in messages
  • Quill Auto detects the link
  • Local File Upload to Cloud sync
  • Minio Storage Added
  • Subdomain module login from another subdomain fix
  • Sanctum Package added for RestAPI Module
  • Zoom Support for JWT Removed
  • Employee early clock-in option added in employee shifts
  • Now users can mention each other on tasks and projects
  • Fix: Signup Google Recaptcha v3 
  • Fix: Package user's limit
  • Fix: Trial dates not correct
  • Fix: Attendance data is mismatched on the dashboard
  • Bug fixes

1 year 1 month ago

13 Jun, 2023
33 5.2.81
  1. Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.1 before upgrading as the latest Laravel 10 support php version greater than 8.1

  • Fix : Route [currency_settings.update_exchange_rates] not defined
  • Fix: unit type not defined
  • Fix: Installation issue for specific servers
  • Fix: The proposal template not showing properly
  • Fix: shift roaster
  • Fix: Email Verify
  • Fix: other minor bug fixes

1 year 3 months ago

21 Apr, 2023
34 5.2.8
  1. Upgrade your PHP VERSION to min 8.1 before upgrading as the latest Laravel 10 support php version greater than 8.1

  • Upgraded to Laravel 10
  • Custom fields have been added to the lead form.
  • User creation restrictions have been added so that only administrators can create other users as administrators.
  • A new client column has been added to the payments table.
  • A date range option has been added to the mark attendance feature.
  • Each ticket agent can now be linked to multiple ticket groups.
  • Tickets will be automatically assigned to agents on a round-robin basis.
  • A new Lead report has been added.
  • A date range option has been added for multiple leaves.
  • An invoice mark as send option has been added, which will not send an email to the client.
  • The order number prefix settings have been added to the invoice settings for orders.
  • The issue with creating a project has been fixed
  • The lead follow-up data has been fixed.

1 year 3 months ago

18 Apr, 2023
35 5.2.73
  • Fix: Upgrade to new UI
  • Proposal Page Bug Fix
  • Newly created companies will have same configuration as superadmin

1 year 4 months ago

12 Mar, 2023
36 5.2.72
  • Fix: More bug fixes for NEW UI upgrade

1 year 4 months ago

03 Mar, 2023
37 5.2.71
  • Fix for subdomain module

1 year 4 months ago

28 Feb, 2023
38 5.2.7
  • NEW UI Release
  • It has all the features of worksuite non-saas version upto 5.2.83
  • Security concerns related to application getting hacked fixed

1 year 4 months ago

28 Feb, 2023